Due Date: Jul 11, 2024, 12:00:00 AM
Labs are designed to help you understand the concepts taught in the lectures. You will be required to show your work to the teaching assistant before the end of the practical. You will be graded at the practical based on your degree of completion.
Your labs portion of the grade will be calculated as follows:
min(5%, ∑(% of lab_i))
Week | Topic | Weighting |
2 | HTML/CSS | 0.5% |
3 | JavaScript | 0.5% |
4 | Web API | 0.5% |
5 | Storing and serving data | 1% |
6 | Authentication and Authorization | 1% |
7 (Reading Week) | Angular Microblog | 1% (Bonus) |
8-9 | VM Deployment | 1% |
10 | CI/CD | 2% |
For the Bonus lab, push your work to Github before the deadline and show the TA in the next practical.
You may show the TA your work during the practical or office hours. A grade will be assigned based on the degree of completion.